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Meet the Wedding Party


Maid of Honor

Cayla and RaeShelle have been best friends since the first day of kindergarten. Cayla was the first person to explain to RaeShelle what sarcasm was. They now speak it fluently.


Best Man

Mikal is Brandon's nephew and first lifelong best friend. Brandon has fought every day of their relationship for Mikal to listen to him "because he is the uncle". Mikal refuses as he is older than Brandon.


Matron of Honor

Danielle and RaeShelle first met in choir in 9th grade. They have been close friends ever since. Danielle and RaeShelle bonded over their love of Halloween and all things animals.


Best Man

Zach has been Brandon's best friend since the first day Brandon copied Zach at 4 and 5 years old respectively. Zach thought Brandon was weird and that is how the extrovert adopted an introvert.



Shayla is Brandon's youngest sibling. Shayla met RaeShelle when Brandon asked if they would like to go swimming. Shayla has become close friends with RaeShelle while always picking on Brandon. Shayla and Brandon have always bonded through art and competing in video games. If you ask either one, they are better than the other at any respective game.



Ray is the oldest brother of the Baca-Maez kids. He is one of Brandon's guides in life and they bond through all things guns, hunting and general guy things. Ray bonds with us and shows his love through dad jokes and puns that we can't live without. When asked to be a groomsman he stated "do I have to groom?".



Starla is Brandon's older sister. When Starla and RaeShelle first met, they were not sure of each other. They were both shy and didn't speak too much. Now when they are in the same room, it is difficult to get a word in between them. Brandon always looked up to Starla in his life. She was his example of how to be and he wanted to do the things that she got to do.



Brenden and Brandon (I know right) met when Brandon joined Zach on a trip to Smith's. Zach introduced the pair by talking about common nerdy interests. Brenden and Brandon began gaming on XBOX before playing Dungeons & Dragons together in 2018. When Brandon or anyone in the game group is in doubt, we look to Brenden for poetic words of advice.



Bridget and RaeShelle met in junior high through mutual friends and classes. They immediately got along like they had been friends for years. Both of their mothers knew they were in for a handful when Bridget and RaeShelle joined choir together and began picking on their teacher.



Alva joined our group by attending our weekly D&D games with a mutual friend. The banter between everyone and Alva was quickly formed and has continued for our 5 year friendship. Alva has fit right in like a puzzle piece to our friend group and now runs an additional game campaign when Brandon runs out of material.



Ayanna and RaeShelle have been close friends since 9th grade. Their first sleepover was meant to be a 3 night movie marathon of all Disney movies they owned at the time. They didn't finish them but did enjoy lots of chicken nuggets and formed several inside jokes that weekend.



Michael is one of Brandon's close friends and a member of our weekly Dungeons & Dragons games. Michael is also very close friends with Zach. Brandon and Michael has known each other for over 10 years and often game on XBOX. Michael is the one we can always count on to tell us like it is both in seriousness and in joking. We wouldn't have it any other way.


Flower Girl

Maddy is Danielle and Ron's daughter and RaeShelle's niece. Maddy has been making RaeShelle laugh ever since the day she was born. She was born the day before RaeShelle and helped Rae win a bet amongst friends of when she would join the world.


Ring Bearer

Donny is Brandon's great nephew and the son of Mikal and Kasena. He brings everyone joy each day with his humor and wit. Donny takes after Mikal in wanting to be a rockstar. There was no one better we could ask to be our ring security.


Honorary Flower Girl

Azurina is Brandon's great niece and is the daughter of Mikal and Kasena. Mikal and Kasena told us she was coming with a scratcher. Azzie was the best jackpot of them all.


Honorary Ring Bearer

Braxton is the son of Danielle and Ron. He is RaeShelle's first and only nephew. He is always a very smiley boy and loves to tell stories.


Honorary Groomsman

Rocky is the brother of Ray, Agapito, Rocky, Starla, Brandon and Shayla. He would happily be joining us under other circumstances but will always be with us in our hearts. Brandon and RaeShelle will be wearing beaded necklaces to honor him for part of the evening that he made for them last year. He wishes everyone all of his love and we can't wait to bring him home soon! Rocky will be carried down the aisle by Starla and Brenden.


Honorary Groomsman

Pito is the second oldest brother in the family. He was taken from us far too soon but there was no way we could be married without him. Pito will be carried down the aisle by Shayla and Ray while he is soaring above us and in our hearts. We love you so much Pito! Thank you for being a part of our hearts and lives ❤️

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